TRINITY partner, HUPX, has launched a new brochure about its role in Farcross and TRINITY projects.
HUPX actively participates in research and innovation actions under the Horizon 2020 programme in Farcross and TRINITY projects to facilitate market integration and cross-border price harmonization.
TRINITY is a project enhancing co-operation between EU and non-EU countries, while the Farcross project supports cross-border power trading through innovative solutions with new hardware and software tools.
HUPX’s role in Farcross includes the participation in a pilot project with the aim to develop a new co-optimized algorithm allowing traders to jointly submit bids for cross-border balancing capacity reserves and energy sales, and the hosting services the new TSO-NEMO platform. In the TRINITY project HUPX provides market expertise for the new cross-border intraday auction between Serbia and Hungary.
Learn more, take a look at our new brochure! >>