The T-RES CONTROL CENTRE, developed by ETRA, continues its progress as expected. The project has already developed a first version of the blockchain environment that allows the issuing, transfer, and cancellation of Guarantees of Origin in a secure manner. In addition, there have been significant advancements in the market strategies that will facilitate the participation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the different South-Eastern Europe (SEE) markets. The image below summarizes the market participation data to the RES Manager.
Within the T-SENTINEL platform, which aims to enhance regional security and reliability, draft versions of all envisaged modules are developed, and relevant methodologies, mathematical descriptions and software documentation are given in the latest deliverables. As the next step, the final refinement of modules will be done in cooperation with end-users, before starting integration and demonstration activities together with other TRINITY platforms.
One of the keys to enhancing Security and Renewable integration in the Electricity Power Grid is to have clear and transparent communication between the different partners, as well as effective and reactive coordination. RTE international in France and Institut Mihajlo Pupin in Serbia are developing the T-COORDINATION platform (T-COO), a software solution dedicated to supporting users and organizations in these regards. A first version of the platform was ended and now partners are continuing to develop new features and enhance existing ones.
T-COORD-RES, a sub-module of the T-COO platform, will enable Transmission System Operators (TSO) to receive timely and accurate production data from the RES plants, as well as their short-term forecasts. So far, the main functionalities of the tool have been developed and initial demonstration with the data received from the RES plant owned by the project partner KONCAR (Croatia), has been achieved. The tool will also serve for the coordination of the maintenance plans between TSOs and generation plants, featuring guided and timed steps for all stakeholders yielding a more efficient process with reduced outage times in the transport network. At present, the tool developments covered the yearly time frame for the coordination with the quarterly and weekly once pending as next steps. Additionally, the TRINITY team is working on the integration with a suitable Market Management System, used by TSO, to allow automated generation of the balancing orders, aiming to reduce effort of TSO operators and avoid any potential errors.
The T-COO platform supports not only daily operations, but also activities in case of unattended events. One of the latest features delivered is the Critical Grid Situation process developed by RTE international with the support of end-users, SCC, the Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) in Serbia, in coordination with Serbian TSO EMS and some of the neighboring country TSOs, such as NosBiH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and ESO (Bulgaria).
When a situation is identified as critical for the grid security during a coordinated process by either a TSO or its RSC, the Critical Grid Situation process can be triggered to handle this. For instance, if an issue is detected during the Short-Term Adequacy process (insufficient production in one country, for instance), the CGS process can be triggered to coordinate actors at regional level and try to find and agree on solutions to resolve this issue (for instance, additional support from neighboring countries via increased capacities, etc.).
In addition, the SEEPEX and IMP partners are making progress in the T-MARKET COUPLING FRAMEWORK. The most remarkable is the work done on improving trading of Guarantees of Origin (GO) in the SEE region in an organized way, for both auction-based and continuous based trading, enabling cross-border trade of GOs between different market areas. The platform enables trading with various products, and there is room left for new products that may appear in the future.
Although the platform is still under development, the auction scheduling and bid submission part has been completed. Now work is being done on optimization.
What are the benefits to the market and end-users? It is adjustable for the specific needs of the market, considering the needs and role of Issuing Bodes (IB) and market participants. The main objective of this GO platform is to provide a harmonised operation of several IBs offering a secure and immutable registry for GoO. The platform also facilitates decoupling market operation and IB functions.
How is the TRINITY platform in line with European policies? The platform is in line with the EU Green Deal key principles: each sold GoO ensures secure supply from RES, and its regional character makes the supply more affordable. The platform is cross-border based, with the idea to integrate and digitalise the EU Green Energy market.