TRINITY technologies will be demonstrated in 8 different South-Eastern Europe countries: Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Bulgaria and Hungary.
The three TRINITY pilot scenarios have been defined in order to maximise the benefits brought by the cross-border collaboration, also are clearly linked to the three main challenges addressed by the project: market integration, TSOs coordination and RES promotion.
South-Eastern Europe Market Integration
The project will propose coordinated intra-day and capacity markets between Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Montenegro. This scenario will also demonstrate a Guarantees of Origin (GoO) trading framework.
RES promotion in SEE
TRINITY will dynamically analyse RES potential in the region considering current and future technical constraints (what-if scenarios) as well as breakthrough forecasting models and legal barriers.
Increased reliability, security and coordination of the TSOs
The focus of this demonstration scenario will be to enhance the transmission system structures of the TSOs that are end-users of the Regional Security Center of the region whilst improving their coordination.