TRINITY partners are working on “Common IT platform for RCCs-TSOs-RES communication and coordination”. The main goal of this task is to enhance the exchanges of information for initial grid security assessment between operational planning and system operators at TSOs and Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) level to ensure a high level of operational information.
One of its main use cases is the coordination of the remedial actions in the Coordinated Security Analysis (CSA) process in the South-Eastern Europe (SEE) region from the CSA Tools from the T-COORDINATION Platform.
To progress in this task, many workshops were organized with the end-users such as SCC, CGES, NOSBiH, and ESO, and the other involved partners (RTEi, RTE, EKC, SEEPEX, ETRA, IMP). The goal of these meetings was to refine the requirements and business needs. The “Let’s Coordinate” module of T-COORDINATION Platform has been developed by RTEi (partner) and RTE (third party) to support this coordination process between TSOs, with the support of their Regional Security Coordinator (RSC).
A new coherent subset of functionalities to support this coordination between operators from TSOs and RSCs has been developed for that purpose:
- new informative notifications provided to the operators with the results of the last computations.
- new interactive notifications to handle the coordination process and capture the answers of each participants, to show transparently the contributions from the involved participants and to share instantly their choices and remarks regarding the ongoing CSA coordination.
- new dashboards to follow up the coordination use-cases and to log the different actions which were done by each participant during the coordination process.
A first demonstrator is already available and will be soon deployed on the hosting entity on SCC premises for the end-user upcoming test and validation.
Another use case is focused on the coordination of the cross-border capacities in the Coordinated Capacity Calculation (CCC) process in the SEE region. Following several meetings with the end-users (SCC, CGES, NOSBiH, ESO), and the other involved partners (RTEi, RTE, SEEPEX, ETRA, IMP), the scope of development is compliant with the output of the T-MARKET product. The first set of functionalities is available within the “Let’s Coordinate” module of the T-COORDINATION Platform:
- new informative notifications describing the auctions.
- new interactive notification for the validation of the cross-border capacities or to request for a capacity reduction.
- new dashboards to follow up the coordination use-cases and to log the different actions which were done by each participant during the coordination process.
This first draft release will be soon available for testing by the end-user (TSOs, NEMO, RSCs) on the hosting entity (SCC).