TRINITY will deliver the tool T-MARKET COUPLING FRAMEWORK to enhance cross-border cooperation and engage electricity market integration at the regional level. This platform will consist of four separate modules covering different market areas. These tools are based on the market auction method used in mature markets in Western and Central Europe.
During the last months, there were some key advances in this product.
Capacity Reserve Market Module
During the last three months the Capacity Reserve Market module, one of the most demanding and innovative tasks of the T-Market product, has been developed. This task is conducted by SEEPEX, EKC, and IMP partners, and each of these companies carries an important role in the deployment of the final product.
The first version of the technical specification was provided by EKC at the beginning of September, and SEEPEX and EKC have been responsible for updates ever since. EKC is the main responsible for providing the mathematical optimization of the algorithm, IMP carries out the tasks of database design and programming, while SEEPEX is the one creating the design and functionalities.
The final version of the specification is expected to be finished by the end of 2020.
Intraday Market Coupling Module using Auction Mechanism
TRINITY Intraday Market Coupling Module will cover cross-border intraday electricity trade, addressed to market operators, transmission system operators, and market participants. The demonstration will perform two new intraday auctions between EU and non-EU countries to engage in market integration and renewables in the SEE region.
SEEPEX and HUPX partners are seeking advanced solutions to perform the planned intraday auction between Serbia and Hungary and currently preparing a design and system development document of the whole intraday auction process (involved actors, modules, timings, data flows, and proposed technical solution). The related deliverable will ensure a well-detailed guideline to the simulation activities planned next year.